To Live and Love Read online

Page 4

  “Would you care to join me for dinner one night? I’m a bit of an introvert, but I do love good food and would like it if you’d eat with me. I…uh…wanted to ask you before this fiasco happened.” The words rushed out of her.

  Justin stared at her wide-eyed, as if she had just spoken a foreign language, and her confidence wavered. Was she too bold? Was the whole idea absurd?

  A thousand questions swamped her brain and made her feel light-headed. Mel’s pulse hammered through her veins. An anxiety attack was the last thing she wanted.

  Rich, deep laughter echoed through the kitchen. “Don’t look so panicked. Your question took me by surprise is all. I’d love to come for dinner.”

  Did she just hear him right? “You’d like to join me?”

  “Yes, I would. Just name the time and I’m here.”

  Her pulse pounded now for a different reason. She’d be setting up a dinner date with the man of her dreams.

  “How about Saturday night around seven? I know you don’t deliver on Saturdays.”

  “I’ll be here. I need to get going now. Got to get the truck back to the hub.” Justin rose and closed the short distance between them. He tilted her head back with the tip of his index finger and leaned in for a kiss. “I’ll see you this weekend.” With that, he turned and left.

  Her fingers brushed her lips as she savored the flavor of him. Justin had kissed her. His lips were buttery soft, just as she’d imagined. The kiss, she knew, had been meant to be friendly, but it packed a wallop.

  Unadulterated pleasure rocketed from the top of her head to the tip of her injured toe. She’d had gentleman callers before, but none of them were Justin. Never had a kiss thrown her equilibrium into chaos. Mel laid a hand over her fluttering stomach and grinned like a loon.

  She had a date with Justin Eberley.

  * * * *

  On the drive back to ProntoCo’s distribution center, Justin whistled a happy tune, though he had to admit that the last half-hour had been bizarre to say the least.

  He had arrived at Mel’s with the simple intention of delivering her package, and then left with a dinner date. With a shake of his head, he relived the moment. Mel standing there bleeding, oblivious to that fact. The nonchalant attitude while she greeted him at the door. Knowing she’d been nervous for one reason or another led him to find truth in her statement of intending to ask him to dinner before he had to play triage nurse.

  Justin remembered the satin smooth, creamy skin of her feet and the even softer feel of those luscious lips. To his surprise, she didn’t pull away. Mel’s emerald green eyes, under their veil of blonde lashes, widened but she didn’t retreat. He had no intention of kissing her, but her full lips proved to be too much of a temptation. Unable to resist, he had to have just one small taste.

  Justin didn’t try to fool himself. He knew one taste would never be enough. But where would their relationship lead? Mel Caldwell was far from a normal woman. She had issues that he didn’t pretend to wholly understand. He got the gist of her ailment, but could such an affliction be curable? Could he somehow become a catalyst to her healing? The thought of helping her held great appeal. If it would bring him closer to her, he’d do whatever it took to accomplish that goal.

  He truly did love Mel.

  His hands began to shake. Justin clutched the wheel in a white-knuckled grip. Keep your mind on the road, he scolded himself. Yeah, right. Easier said than done.

  The fact that his heart somersaulted in his chest when their lips brushed proved the theory that she was everything he’d ever wanted in a woman. His thundering pulse reiterated the fact.

  Her voluptuous curves beckoned him, and her razor-sharp mind fascinated him. Justin looked forward to delivering her many packages. She’d meet him with a cup of some sort of beverage and a knee-weakening smile.

  Always one for conversation, they’d talk about everything from the weather to her condition that she never hid from. It felt as if he’d known her forever. Even though Mel wouldn’t leave the house, she’d give you the shirt off her back if it came down to it. By far the kindest woman he’d had the pleasure to know, he now wanted more than conversation in her foyer.

  Justin wanted a life with her. But how did one have a life when it revolved around the house you lived in?

  Justin steeled his resolve, because he was about to find out.

  Chapter 5

  “You’ll be fine. Quit fidgeting.” Mindy scolded her sister for the umpteenth time since arriving to drop off fresh groceries for Mel’s date.

  Mel blew her long bangs out of her eyes. “I haven’t been on a date in quite some time. Cut me some slack,” she retorted, and then nibbled the delicate flesh of her lower lip. She’d forgotten about the self-inflicted injury to her lip due to the broken toenail incident and hissed at the sting.

  “Calm down. You’re going to chew your lip off if you keep it up.” Mindy leaned against the counter. “It’s just dinner. If it progresses to something more, then good for you.”

  “I care about him so much, but I truly thought he’d turn down my offer. But he smiled so sweetly and said yes. It surprised me.”

  “I think you more than just care about him, dearest sister of mine. You love him.” Mindy held up a hand that effectively cut off the denial about to cross Mel’s lips. “Do you think I don’t see the way your eyes soften when you speak about him or how you smile for no apparent reason? That, my darling, is love.”

  “It is?” She rubbed her suddenly throbbing temples in circular motions with her fingertips. “How’d this happen?”

  Mel’s heart thudded and contented warmth spread through her. The realization hit her like a sledgehammer, but the feeling wasn’t at all unpleasant. Justin had been the first man she wanted to explore a relationship with. She’d had dates before, but they never led to anything because the men couldn’t deal with her condition. Would Justin be different?

  Hell, would she want Justin to be different? Did she want him to want her? Would she say yes?

  With Justin she wanted the possibility of a life.

  Mel gazed at Mindy, who, bless her heart, had a look of complete understanding in her eyes. “You know, I think you’re right. I feel differently toward him than I have for any other man. My heart races in a good way when I think about him. My balance is thrown asunder when he smiles at me. My body screams to life when he’s near.”

  Mindy walked to her and kissed her cheek. “I think it’s lovely. Good luck.” She glanced at her watch. “It’s six-thirty. I’m going to go so you can start prepping dinner.”

  “Thanks for helping, sis. I appreciate everything you do for me more than you’ll ever know.”

  “You’d do the same for me. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  “Have fun.” With that statement, she took her leave.

  Mel stood dumfounded in the middle of the kitchen. She’d fallen in love with Justin. It took Mindy’s innocuous statement to make her realize it.

  She went about preparing the steaks. After setting the grill top on the stove to low, she seasoned the meat with spice mix. She grabbed her steamer pot, filled it with water, and set it to simmer for the asparagus spears.

  Fifteen minutes later, the grill came up to temperature, so she placed the steaks atop it. Her nerves were ramped and she breathed deeply while busying herself by cutting the ends off the asparagus.

  The doorbell chimed, startling her. Her nerves were taking over, and that just couldn’t happen.

  Mel darted to the front door and glanced in the mirror as she did so. Floral blooms swirled a lovely red and pink pattern on her newest sweater. A short, denim skirt hugged her curves without looking slutty. Shining, blonde hair hung in its glory over her shoulders. She took one last, deep breath and opened the door.

  And her mouth went dry.

  Justin looked nothing like he did on delivery days. He wore brown khaki pants and a black turtleneck sweater. Black, disheveled curls framed his face. Gone was the
blue delivery uniform and hat.

  “Hi.” He handed her a bouquet of fragrant yellow roses.

  His deep, masculine voice broke through the haze fogging her brain. She swallowed hard and hoped to find her own voice. “Hi. Thank you for the flowers. They’re lovely. Please come in.”

  He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Thanks for having me over.”

  “You’re welcome.” Her voice sounded soft and husky. The man could turn her on with a simple peck on the cheek.

  Yes, she’d fallen head-over-heels in love.

  “Let’s head to the kitchen. I have steaks on the indoor grill, and I need to put the flowers in a vase,” she said.

  Together, they entered the room.

  “Have a seat.” Mel motioned to a barstool at the island, went to one of her cherry wood cabinets to retrieve a crystal vase, and made quick work of arranging the roses.

  “Thanks.” He sat on one of the stools. “Smells fabulous. What’s on the menu?”

  “Delmonico steaks and fresh, steamed asparagus. I’ll toss a salad for our first course.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Can I offer you a beverage? I know you like the occasional beer, so I had my sister pick up a six-pack for you.”

  “That was thoughtful. I’ll have one. But only one since I’m driving.”

  A smile tugged the corners of her mouth. “Smart thinking.” She retrieved the beer and prepackaged salad from the fridge, and then handed him the brew. “Are you enjoying your day off?”

  “I am now.”

  Mel studied him for a moment. A boyish grin produced a dimple in his left cheek. She’d never noticed it before, and she found it absurdly charming.

  Hell, she was a goner.

  Mel cleared her throat. “Aren’t you sweet? I’m glad you accepted my dinner offer.”

  Justin took a swig of his beer and put it on the island’s countertop. The tink of glass hitting quartz resonated in the room. “May I be frank with you?”

  The question had her turning in his direction. “Of course.”

  Justin rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve been trying to figure out a way to convince you to go on a date for quite some time, but I had no idea what I would have done had you said yes.”

  Mel turned back to the steaks on the grill, flipped them, and stared for a moment. A feeling of unease skittered up her spine. Her condition made him hesitant, which meant he might not be ready for the kind of relationship she could offer. The first tinges of anxiety flooded her bloodstream.

  Mel’s confidence wavered, but she kept her voice even as she faced him. “I’m a challenge to say the least, truth be told.”

  “I like challenges.”

  Mel couldn’t shake her unsettled feeling. Would he be up to the test? She could only imagine that dates consisting of her house, all the time, would wear thin after a while. A change of subject had become necessary.

  “How do you like your steak?”

  “Medium-rare will be fine.”

  “We’re just about there. Better throw the asparagus in the steamer and get the salad together,” she stated and then busied herself with those tasks. “Where would you like to eat? We can dine at the island if you want informal or the dining room if you prefer formal.”

  “The island is fine.” Justin set his beer on the counter and rose from the stool. He walked to her back door and peered through the glass. “What’s out there?”

  “The garden. My psychiatrist suggested I have one put in, hoping to coax me outside. I have a lovely backyard, but it didn’t get me out of the house.”

  “It’s a shame.” Justin flipped the switch for the deck light. “I can see the buds starting to form on the shrubs and some shoots poking through the ground.”

  “The garden is gorgeous and calming to look at, but to be honest, I see it as just another bill to pay for a landscaper to come in and tend it.”

  “I see benches. You mean to tell me you’ve never sat on one of them?” Justin returned to his stool and sipped his beer.

  Mel continued with the dinner preparation. “No, I haven’t.”

  “Hmmm...” he said, and then fell silent.

  Unease shrouded her.

  * * * *

  They made small talk while eating. Justin appeared to like good home cooking, which he made apparent by moaning his approval during their meal.

  “Wow, I’m surprised I didn’t eat the pattern off your dinnerware.” He patted his belly.

  “I’m glad you liked it.”

  “What else do you have planned for our evening?”

  “Well, we could watch television or a movie. I can make some popcorn if you’d like.”

  A smile crossed his handsome face, which blasted away any feelings of anxiety. Confidence bloomed through her, and she returned his smile.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said simply.

  His statement caught Mel by surprise, and she prayed she wouldn’t blush. “Thank you,” she stammered.

  “It’s the truth. I’m hoping I’m the reason you’re smiling.”

  “You are.”

  “Good. Popcorn and some television sounds good.”

  “Let me get these dishes loaded in the dishwasher, and then I’ll throw a bag of popcorn in the microwave.”

  “I’ll help,” Justin offered as he rose from the stool and carried his dirty dishes to the appliance.

  Together they made quick work of the cleanup.

  “Why don’t you head into the living room and find something to watch on television,” she offered.

  “Okay,” he said as he left the room.

  Mel released a deep breath once he’d walked away. The date was going smoothly except for her panicky moment. Justin truly didn’t seem to mind staying in with her. She thought he’d be out on the town, seeing as it was a Saturday.

  * * * *

  Justin found the remote to the television and hit the power button. Mel’s big screen came to life. A documentary about ancient Egypt began playing. Not one for educational channels, he surfed through her many stations and settled on a paranormal action flick.

  He hesitated for a moment. Would she like vampires and werewolves? With a shrug of his shoulders, Justin sat on her leather sectional and almost put his feet on the coffee table before he remembered that he wasn’t at his apartment and manners were in order.

  The smell of popcorn permeated the house. This hadn’t been the way Justin imagined he’d spend his Saturday night, but a delicious meal and the company of the woman he loved was well worth not seeing his buddies

  Justin was happy and content sitting on Mel’s soft sofa watching a television any man would love in his den or man-cave. He shook his head, leaned back, and made himself comfortable.

  The soft shuffling of bare feet on hardwood had him turning his head. Mel entered the room, carrying a tray with a bowl of steaming popcorn and two cans of soda. She set the tray on the coffee table and handed him a cola.

  “I love this movie,” Mel announced as she sat next to him on the sectional. “How’d you know I liked the paranormal?”

  Justin noticed tiny laugh lines, the only hint at her age, around her stunning green eyes. Her skin appeared satin smooth without any blemishes. He fought the urge to cup her face in his hands and stroke the silkiness. Instead, he leaned forward and grabbed the popcorn bowl to keep his hands occupied.

  “I was channel surfing and stopped here. I love these types of movies,” he answered. “Just a happy accident. What else do you like to watch?”

  Mel tucked her legs up underneath her. “I like just about anything. But most often it depends on my mood. Some days I’m a documentary type of chick, other days I’m watching shows about restoring old cars.”

  “Wow. You like variety. You never struck me as a car show type of girl.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me. I’m nothing if not eclectic in my tastes.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder, which drew his attention to the shining tresses.
br />   “Well, let’s hope I get to learn all your little secrets.”

  Pink stained her cheeks, and she twisted a few loose strands of hair around her finger.

  “There I went and embarrassed you,” Justin said.

  “No, you didn’t embarrass me. I’m just not used to someone of the male persuasion saying they want to hang around me for long. I’m in awe.”

  “Why in awe?” He set his soda on a coaster atop the coffee table and turned to face her.

  Mel continued to twist hair around her finger and licked her lips. The innocent action sent his pulse scrambling and his hormones into overdrive.

  “I’ve had dates before, but some never returned after the first date. Others did, but as soon as they got what they wanted, that was the last I saw of them.”

  “They used you for the sex, and then left. Self-centered jerks if you ask me.”

  Her soft laugh flitted to his ears. “I should have known you’d understand.”

  “If a guy can’t accept you the way you are, then it’s his loss, not yours.”

  “You’re one of a kind, Justin Eberley.”

  He couldn’t help but snort. “True as that may be, I guess I’m sorta old-fashioned. When I see something I want, I don’t push my luck. Trying to force the issue doesn’t do either person involved any good. Sure, I’ve known people who are still together after jumping in the sack pretty much as soon as they met each other, but I also know of relationships destroyed by instant intimacy. If I’m going to sleep with somebody, I want to respect both her and me in the morning.”

  She laid her hand on his. “Hmm… That’s exactly how I feel about it. I guess we have a lot more in common than I imagined.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  Justin turned his palm up and laced their fingers together. “I don’t want to rush things between us, Mel. I’ve been lusting for you since we first met. You stood at the front door with a smile on your face, your long hair draped over your shoulder, the seductive curves of your body, and boom, I’ve had feelings—both mentally and definitely physically—for you ever since. I just didn’t know how to proceed. You’re a…” He paused for a moment, trying to find the right word. “...unique person. I’m in uncharted territory here.”